USA Road Trip: Camp!!

We were so lucky to get to go back to the best place in the world: CAMP!! Terrell and I both worked Centri-Kid our first summers of college and I have been going back, almost every year, to work special teams for a week. This year Terrell and I got to work together, which was super fun! For those of you who don’t know what Centri-Kid is, well it’s a little hard to explain, you just have to see it. In a sentence, it is a camp for 3rd to 6th graders who get to spend a week dancing, playing hardcore and learning God’s Game Plan for their lives. Instead of attempting to explain the unexplainable, I’ll show you a few pictures we snapped and share a little about what we learned in our short week!

1. Slip-n-Slides are still more fun than most normal grown up games.

2. Even the most unlikely people can steal your heart. Meet Jacob, he was in my bible study group, upon meeting him he promptly informed me his mom didn’t make him take his ADHD meds during summer. Fantastic. Jacob ended up being my bff, he was helpful, funny and engaging. At home he may struggle to focus at school and make friends, but this is what I love about camp, the best in all of us shines and this little man hit his stride, made friends and grew a little closer to Jesus. Oh and made me smile everyday.

3. Being weird is the most necessary trait you can have at camp and at life really. We heart weirdos.

4. I know nothing about sports. Our theme was the Olympics and I seriously embarrassed myself with my limited knowledge of sports.

5. Kids are changing the world. Meet Marissa, she is in the pink. Marissa is starting a Bible Study at her school in the mornings with some of her friends this year. They are going to go through a kids bible study together and pray for their friends, anyone is invited to join. I am so privileged to have gotten to know her and to be able to pray for her this next year as she impacts her school for Christ. How cool is she?!

6. I got to participate in church group time with an awesome church from Highlands, MS and one of the 6th grade students set a personal challenge that blew me away and challenged me like crazy. Holly’s Challenge: Stop complaining. The challenged was phrased like this: What could you quit that would bring you closer to Jesus and those around you? Camp is really fun, but really hard work, so this challenge hit me hard for this week and for my daily life outside of the camp bubble!

7. Terrell and I are old. Seriously, old. We were tired, out of shape and well just plain old, old. One of the staffers we worked with attended a camp we taught, when he was in 6th grade, now he is in college. OLD.


All joking aside, this was one of the best weeks of camp that I have experienced. My experiences this week ranged from having the privilege of praying with a girl who described her dilemma for salvation like this, “I don’t deserve his love, his grace or his death“. If I could remember that daily, my life would be so different. I got to pray for a girl whose family was struggling, I got to spend time with one of my favorite people in the world who I worked my very first camp with, I got to have so much fun watching my husband dance somewhere that is was actually appropriate for him to dance ridiculously, I got to share the gospel with so many kids and help them grow in their relationship with Christ and best of all, I got to serve alongside the most wonderful staff of (mostly) college students who love Jesus in such a tangible way that it is contagious. We were so encouraged and challenged this week, that we felt like we were campers again!